The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippian church to give a report about his condition in prison in Rome and to encourage them to strive for a life modeled after Jesus. He shares his heart for a gospel-shaped life where Jesus is at the center.
Paul knows that gospel transformation is a work of God. And so he begins his letter with prayer. He desperately wants these believers to know and love Jesus. I want to challenge you today to practice praying like Paul:
1. Paul Prayed With Joy (Phil. 1:3-6)
He was filled with joy every time he prayed because he was united to the Philippians through the gospel and because he saw the good work that God was doing in them. He prays with confidence know that God is transforming and growing each person in the church. KEY: Joy comes from knowing that gospel transformation is God’s work.
2. Paul Prayed With Longing (Phil. 1:7-8)
He longed to see these dear friends be changed by the gospel. His gut-level compassion and love for them mirrors the compassion that Jesus has on each person who is lost. Paul shares in God’s grace with the Philippians and desires that they would continue in their grace-filled walk of faith. KEY: The desire to see gospel transformation comes from compassion and love.
3. Paul Prayed With Vision (Phil. 1:9-11)
He not only prayed for their immediate needs, but Paul focused his prayer on a vision for greater Christ-likeness, abounding love, wise discernment, and a fruitful harvest of righteousness. He prays for their future and for their growth. He sets a trajectory and prays with a vision for what God will do in them. KEY: We should boldly plead with the Lord to do His work in our life and the lives of others.
Your Challenge
Choose someone to pray for this week and pray like Paul. Plead with the Lord for your children, your friend, your family member, your neighbor, or your co-worker. Pray for a brother or sister in Christ from our church. Use Paul’s three features of intercessory prayer: joy, longing, and vision. Ask God to do something amazing in those you care for. This is the foundational step in surrendering to the gospel-work that God will do in us.
Sample Prayer Using Philippians 1:3-11
“Lord, I pray with joy when I think of the work that you are doing in _______’s life. Thank you for your good news that Jesus is Lord and Savior. I long for ________ to know this truth and to surrender every area of life to Jesus. I plead for ________ because I care about him/her. This is my prayer: that ________ would grow to love you Lord, that you would fill him/her with your knowledge and discernment, that you would protect him/her, and that you would bear good fruit in his/her life. Please cause ______’s life to bring you glory and praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.”