Disciple-By-Doing (James 1:19-27)

Pastor Brent continues our 11-week series in the book of James through this highly practical passage. In addition to insightful quotes from theologians Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer and Dr. Douglas Moo, Pastor Brent shared his recent conversation with Dr. Mimi Larson, Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Children and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS). Schools like TEDS and churches like NLEFC can learn from each other in making the Bible come alive for disciples young and old! After his outline on discipleship that “Begins by Hearing” (James 1:19-21) and is “Proven through Doing” (James 1:22-27), Pastor Brent ends with our vision for discipleship: “Discipleship is a matter of hearing, believing, and doing the truth that is in Jesus Christ.”