Episode 77 - The Promises of God - Preaching Series Overview

Pastor Brent Kompelien and Paul Arneberg dedicate a “mini-episode” to this fall’s 15-week preaching series, “The Promises of God.” The goal of this series is to help our church gain a big-picture understanding of the Bible, showing how God’s promises of redemption are fulfilled in Christ: God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule in God’s holy and loving presence! Pastor Brent refers to two books: “The Promise-Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments” by Walter Kaiser and “God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible” by Vaughan Roberts. Paul’s benediction from 2 Cor. 1:20 comes with a personal story about the late Christian stage & radio performer Richard K. Allison, who died of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 44.