Advent Devotional - Dec 23 - Luke 1:26-56

Read Luke 1:26-56

Contemplate: Several prophetic connections occur in this passage. Mary and Joseph are living in Nazareth, a town in Galilee (remember Isaiah 9:1 from Dec. 16?). Mary is a virgin (remember Isaiah 7:14 from Dec. 15?). Jesus will sit on the throne of David (remember 2 Samuel 7 from Dec. 11?). Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, which is a sign that he is the true Servant of the Lord (remember Isaiah 11 from Dec. 17 and Isaiah 42 from Dec. 18?). Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham (remember Genesis 12 and 15 from Dec. 5?). These are amazing fulfillments of God’s promises. 

Pray: Think about the reality that “no word from God will ever fail” (Luke 1:37). Praise God that his promises are secure and that his word will never fail.