Advent Devotional - Dec 18 - Isaiah 40:1-5; 42:1-9

Read Isaiah 40:1-5; 42:1-9

Contemplate: Isaiah 40:1-5 looks ahead to the time of John the Baptist and to the time when Jesus would come to save God’s people. Remember that Isaiah is a prophetic voice in the middle of the invasion of the Assyrians (and later the Babylonians) and the possible destruction of Jerusalem. He tells the people that they will be punished for their rebellion. But here at the mid-point of the book of Isaiah there is a major turn. The words “Comfort, comfort my people” are like a drink of cool water. The prophetic vision is that the people’s sin will be paid for and that God will receive all the glory. Isaiah 42:1-9 tells us about the Servant of the Lord who will redeem God’s people. He is full of the Spirit, he will bring justice, he will be gentle and humble, and he will bring glory to God.

Pray: Think about how this passage looks ahead to Jesus. Praise God for bringing comfort to us. Praise God for sending Jesus who is the perfect Servant of the Lord.