Advent Devotional - Dec 14 - Isaiah 1

Read Isaiah 1

Contemplate: The following passages from Isaiah and Micah (Dec 14-19) were written during the time of the Assyrian invasion of the northern Kingdom of Israel (2 Kings 17:1-23, Dec. 12). Isaiah writes a series of warnings and visions concerning the southern Kingdom of Judah. He watches as the northern kingdom is destroyed by the Assyrians and the city of Jerusalem narrowly escapes destruction at the hands of Sennacherib. Isaiah calls the people of Judah a rebellious nation. He points out their rebellion and calls them to repentance and to completely change their ways. The Lord will cause their sins that are like scarlet to be white as snow (Isaiah 1:18) and he will execute justice, redeeming those who ask for forgiveness and punishing those who persist in evil (Isaiah 1:27-28). It is clear that God has a plan still to redeem his people. Even though they continue to rebel, he will not let his promises fail. He will make everything right and wash his people clean.

Pray: Thank the Lord for his patience and his persistence to save us even though we continue to rebel against him. Ask him to illuminate the areas of your life that need to be brought in line with God’s way and God’s purposes.