Textual Observations of Ephesians 3:1-13:
Paul returns to the intercessory prayer that he started in 1:15. But he only gets one sentence into the prayer again before he goes into more depth on the mystery of the gospel. He doesn’t actually get to the intercessory prayer until 2:14-21.
“τὴν οἰκονομίαν” — “the state of being arranged”, arrangement, order, plan; of God’s unique plan; private plan, plan of salvation.
Verse 3 — “by revelation” is an important theological foundation for this passage.
Verse 3 — “mystery” is also important
The mystery is revealed in a unique way now: the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members with Israel in the promise in Christ.
Paul is a servant of this gospel — He is humble, “less than the least of all the Lord’s people”
To preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ
To make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.
His intent was that NOW, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known:
to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms — the spiritual powers of evil
according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In Him AND through faith in him
we may have freedom to approach God with boldness and confidence
Don’t be discouraged because my sufferings are for your glory.