I Am The Way (John 14:1-14)

Pastor Brent discusses the exclusive truth claims of Christianity centered on the words of Jesus that he is the only way to God. Our culture asserts relative truth and promotes tolerance of everyone’s personal version of what is right and good. Yet because of the uniqueness of who Jesus is, he must be the exclusive way to God. He is the way and the truth and the life. Every single person must be confronted with this reality.

Betrayal (John 13:18-38)

Associate Pastor Steve Douglas continues in the account of the Last Supper in John 13. Here we see Jesus’ authority and power as he willingly goes to the cross. It is clear that Jesus is in complete control of the situation. He knows Judas is going to betray him and he knows that Peter will deny him. Yet he uses this opportunity to give the command to his disciples to love one another.

Biblical Perspective on Civic Engagement (1 Peter 2:11-17; Romans 13:1-7; Acts 4:1-22)

Pastor Brent walks through a gospel-centered approach to government and politics. How can we be kingdom-minded in public life, remembering that our citizenship is in heaven? We explore a biblical posture toward government (1 Peter 2:11-17), the biblical purpose of government (Romans 13:1-7), and a proper biblical perspective on government (Acts 4:1-22).

Biblical Perspective on Embodiment (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Pastor Brent tackles a unique and challenging topic. Why do we have bodies? What are they for? Are we primarily a soul who temporarily inhabits a body? Or is there a deeper design and purpose for being embodied image-bearers? We explore these issues and learn that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. There is good news in the gospel of Jesus Christ for our whole selves, body and soul.

Biblical Perspective on Marriage and Family (Gen. 1-3 and Eph. 5:21-6:4)

Pastor Brent shows how the biblical story reveals God’s design for marriage and family. Starting with the created order in Genesis 1-2, moving through the distortion of sin in Genesis 3, and then culminating in the redemption of the curse of sin in marriage in Ephesians 5, this message explains how marriage is a living illustration of the gospel and a signpost to the union of Christ and his Bride, the church.

Biblical Perspective on Conflict and Forgiveness (Matthew 18:15-35)

Guest preacher Pastor Matt Brant from Prairie Hill EFC in Eden Prairie joins us to talk about another important issue in the Christian life: conflict and forgiveness. In this passage in Matthew 18 Jesus reveals the pattern of how the church is to handle conflict, and then Jesus explains what generous forgiveness looks like in light of the gospel as he tells a striking parable about an unforgiving servant.

Biblical Perspective on Worship and Generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)

Pastor Brent teaches about another foundational things for Christians: worship and generosity. What is a life of worship? How do we view our lives, our resources, and our purpose? What does it mean to cultivate a culture of generosity? In light of the gospel and God’s generous and costly love toward us, we reflect his glory by living generously toward God’s kingdom purposes in this world.

Biblical Perspective on Work and Fruitfulness (John 15:1-17)

Pastor Brent turns now to the second half of our Summer Seminars series to talk about having a biblical perspective on important issues that we face today. The first topic is how we think about “work and fruitfulness” in light of God’s original design in Genesis 1 and in light of our redemption in the gospel in Ephesians 2. This is a paradigm shifting message that will change our perspective on our purpose as God’s image bearers.

What Is Spiritual Growth? (Matthew 7:24-29)

Pastor Brent walks through the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus desires for our spiritual growth. This important teaching concludes with a challenge to all: either you are on the narrow path that bears good fruit and knows Jesus and is built on the solid rock of his teaching, or you are on the wide path that bears bad fruit and doesn’t know Jesus and is built on the shifting sands of the alternative saviors and gospels of this world. The way you can tell the difference: when the storm comes!

What Is The Bible? (2 Timothy 3:10-4:5)

Pastor Brent guides us through a foundational passage about the doctrine of scripture. We cover important issues like inerrancy, inspiration, and the purpose of scripture. Our passage shows how Paul encourages his young protege Timothy to stand firm in the truth of the Bible in tumultuous times. Listen and learn about the sufficiency, clarity, authority, and necessity of scripture.

God's Story (Hebrews 1:1-4)

Week one of a new series called “Summer Seminars: Foundations of Faith”. Pastor Brent opens this new series with a message from Hebrews 1:1-4 that sets the stage for our understanding of the grand story of the Bible. This series will answer important questions like What Is The Gospel, What Is Theology, What Is The Church, and What Is Spiritual Growth. We will also address how we can have a biblical perspective on current issues in life such as work and fruitfulness, worship and generosity, suffering and perseverance, conflict and forgiveness, worldview and culture, marriage and family, embodiment, and civic engagement.

The One Who Sent Me (John 12:37-50)

Associate Pastor Steve Douglas helps us understand the dividing line of belief and unbelief. Jesus is one with the Father, sent by Him, and always speaking God’s words and doing God’s work. Some will not believe. How can we search our hearts about whether we trust in Jesus and believe that everlasting life is only found in Him? Jesus’ word in John 12 penetrate the hardness of our hearts and bring us to humble repentance and faith.