Episode 90 - Advent Promises Part 4 - Fulfilled in Christ
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Episode 90 - Advent Promises Part 4 - Fulfilled in Christ
Paul Arneberg and Pastor Brent Kompelien conclude Advent 2024 with one of the most awesome chapters in the Bible, Revelation 5. Ever influenced by the arts to supplement his love for God’s Word, Paul opens and closes with samples of a great oratorio that he experienced in college, The Revelation of St. John the Divine by the late Dominick Argento. Pastor Brent reflects on his final sermon on “The Promises of God” by delving into the breathtaking nature of the Christ-exulting worship in Rev. 5. This final Roots & Branches episode for 2024 wraps up with a discussion of the “already” and “not yet” nature of Christ’s kingdom, admonishing the listeners to prioritize reading the whole counsel of God in order to grow in Christ and cling to the Lord’s promises for ultimate fulfillment at the end of the age, especially amidst trials. Keep Christ at the center, and keep in Christian community as a comfort and foretaste of the coming fullness of the Kingdom of God!